ETEREO, a weekend with Zii Ropa & Odissea

Last weekend’s trunkshow took place at ETEREO Auberge along  Zii Ropa & Odissea. This occasion and location were very special to Odissea since the property is in Mayan territory which had a very profound meaning, connecting the brand to its roots. Mayans used silver for their ceremonies, it was thought to be a protective element with high spiritual power - one which bought them closer to their gods. All of our pieces are made of 9.25 sterling silver, and the intention behind each piece is for the beholder to have a connection to their inner power, and their higher self. We use shells too, as a representation of self evolution. They travel through the ocean, with no direction and regardless of their endless journeys  they are all unique, beautiful and perfect. We believe that our one of a kind pieces, when experiencing a certain attraction to them represent who we are, where we come from, the journeys we’ve lived and the experiences that have shaped us. Them and us, all have a voyage marked by changes of fortune.

Auberge Resorts are known to adapt to each location's environment - ETEREO being a jungle paradise with coral floor passages guiding you along the property, passing fountains, the horizon and mangrove labyrinths. Upon sunrise, you can catch the early AM. Making your way through the labyrinths, the sun slowly rises, reflecting it’s golden shine on the property, half hidden in the tropics. 

Saturday we did sunset drinks, where we set by the pool. Zii Ropa’s new resort wear camouflaged with the neutral colors of the property. The blue hues with the water, the yellow with the coral stone and white and blacks for neutral elements. Odissea had the newest silver pieces shining as the sun shined on them. Our newest pieces, Pelrmutte Ring Dalmatian Jasper along with our Milano Ring in green and purple amethyst and the colorful nekyia beadead chokers made it perfect for the summer kick-off! 

Stay tuned for more… 

See you at the next one! 




"Subtle Beauty"


Cycles with Alejandro Ibarra