hercules, greek mythology & silver

Hercules Pavillion

Copenhagen, November 2022

For centuries silver has been a powerful metal in the mystic world. Ancient civilizations believed it had healing powers, and being associated with the god of the moon, Selene, silver symbolizes creativity and the feminine part of humans this is why its alchemy symbol is a crescent moon. 

Aztecs for instance, polished it into mirrors, since they were portals to the spiritual world - it was their channel to connect to a higher dimension. Our third chakra or “ The third-eye” is our intuition, spiritual connection, imagination and multidimensional perception and silver is believed to be an enhancer of wisdom and inner power. 

 “voyage marked by changes of fortune” has been a series of interviews and blog posts where we share odissea’s world.Our latest photoshoot was in Copenhagen at The Hercules Pavilion, where the King hosted his most intimate encounters in privacy.

- life and death, fall - rise, light and darkness -

I’ve come to realize that the most unexpected moments in life come at the right timing.On my last trip I had been optimistic of finding someone to shoot some of the new pieces. As days passed by I hadn’t had an “a-ha moment” and it was getting a bit disappointing.  On a Monday I met up with my good friend Nicole at Studio X cafe for lunch - a very cute, simple, minimalistic coffee spot. As I approached the counter to order, I noticed someone glowing behind the counter, I immediately felt her presence, it was strong but delicate and youthful, I was stroked. I instantly knew she was odissea - a natural and pure essence.

“natural + pure essence” 

We exchanged information and decided to meet only a day prior to my departure due to her schedule. Risky, but I knew it had to happen. 

Sunday, October 15th 3:30 at the Kongs Have.

As I am biking through the city I feel the cold transition of autumn clearly. Change of foliage, shorter days, and that feeling of gloominess…

Biking half way through the city I saw this tremendous gray cloud taking over half of the sky - I was getting anxious but kept going. As I made my way through the halls of the garden trying to figure out the labyrinth I was tangled in, the sky kept getting darker and darker, not a good feeling.

About 3 minutes of me looking around to see if I saw Mathilde, she showed up walking graciously toward me, and just as she was walking towards the Pavilion it started drizzling. No umbrella, nor idea of where to hide, but we just found a corner next to Hercules while she grabbed her umbrella protecting us both. We were laughing and making fun of what was happening, a moment I will keep forever. The rain went for about 5 minutes each drop had more time in between, the sky slowly opened up, letting the sun shine through,  illuminating the Pavilion as if nothing had ever happened. 

Rushing to get things done, we dressed her quickly and as I was standing in front of this classical monument with my pieces and Mathilde, I felt  thrill. I started taking pictures of her moving and playing around, we were talking and laughing while getting all the angles possible with Hercules defeating a lion as a prop set. This whole scenery of his force and brutality seemed perfect with Mathilde’s effortless beauty - opposite forces creating perfect balance. 

This photoshoot depicted the beauty of opposites - ying & yang, feminine and masculine, light and darkness - all opposing forces give us balance. 


odissea mens


Exit_Ceren is an escapist